Kim Dracula image taken from video Make Me Famous tweaked to look more horrific with mouth wide

Kim Dracula ~ Make Me Famous [2⊘22]

As we all know, there are real vampires. They sleep in coffins during the day, cannot be seen in mirrors, can shapeshift into bats at will, have long sharp canine teeth, and survive by laying waste to human subjects at night by sucking them dry of blood or turning them. There may also be emotional or energy vampires (see ingenious What We Do in the … Continue reading Kim Dracula ~ Make Me Famous [2⊘22]

Smashing Pumpkins Ava Adore artwork by disturbedByVoices "Rosy"

The Smashing Pumpkins – Ava Adore [1998]

“I have learned the fine art now of judging what is expected of me when I am being beat… it takes a keen ear to detect if the desired result is one of the following: submission, capitulation, confession, or negation…sometimes when I am being beaten down, the desired result appears to be tears, a bleating ‘no more, no more’, until the monster is satisfied… Continue reading The Smashing Pumpkins – Ava Adore [1998]

David Bowie ~ I’m Afraid of Americans [1997]

Born in the 60s, I have often wished I had never lived through the 70s. It was a decade of highly-adept songwriters, with artists like Bob Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot, Cat Stevens, and Al Stewart (to name but a few). There was an ill-fated optimism still lingering in the air from my earlier childhood days, no longer unbridled, but still relevant if more realistic and … Continue reading David Bowie ~ I’m Afraid of Americans [1997]

Cover Art “breakable” by disturbedByVoices

Nine Inch Nails ~ We’re In This Together [1999]

An earliest memory of four or five. Alone on a beach with Mom on an unsummery day. Father had gone in search of more wood to build the fire, while Mom earnestly demonstrated its creation by building a teepee of kindling over crumbled napkins or newspaper, whatever had been handy … Continue reading Nine Inch Nails ~ We’re In This Together [1999]

PINK TURNS BLUE ~ Not Gonna Take It [2⊘22]

There is a story-turned-philosophy, that even its author does not believe. A philosophy that each of us is actually each other. This is the “Egg Theory“, so-called for Andy Weir’s short story “The Egg”. In it, I am you, you are me, and we are all one individual, at any time over the history of … Continue reading PINK TURNS BLUE ~ Not Gonna Take It [2⊘22]